Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2012


The MV starts with a quick shot of an owl perched on a lamp post surrounded by debris. In Asia, owls are usually seen as ill omens and markers of death. The owl may have been used to foreshadow the upcoming battle in the MV.

First of all, we can see that it opens up with Jiyong in a throne with his ever lasting long hair.

This reminds us of Rapunzel, right? The long haired princess who got confined at the top of the tower because of the evil witch. Well, in this case Jiyong got confined in his ‘cell’ for too long that his hair grew. The evil witch is probably the haters who attacked GD after his ‘incident’.
Now, these are the people who attacked Big Bang…

See the sign of the people with the masks and the no symbol on these army’s shileds? Some say they represent VIPs, but I think these represents Big Bang themselves- remember on their concept photos they had oxygen masks? It may not be the oxygen masks but that’s because it is the gas masks- the ones used during the war that prevented the soldiers from inhaling gas that could cause death.

Now, there are three signs on the shields that says “Stop Music” and “Stop Singing” and the other one at the back that says “Stop Dancing”. These are from the people who doubted Big Bang after the ‘incidents’ happened- they believed BB will disband as they’re on the verge of the 5 year curse.

Now this part comes in…
This is the point where it shows how Taeyang melts after being frozen for a long time which suggests that the ice around Big Bang- the one that kept them still and unable to move- is slowly melting. A sign of them becoming alive. From this scene, the army wearing black suits are the people who attacked Big Bang whereas the army wearing the white suits represents the VIPs. This scene shows us how the VIPs fought those who has hated/ attacked Big Bang by trying to take down the barrier that prevents them from getting closer to the ‘anti-big bang’ army.

This scene just probably suggests that all these happened around Jiyong, the King. VIPs around the world defended Big Bang with all they can. They fought Big Bang’s fight. This is a hard-fought battle requiring great physical and/or mental effort to accomplish and endure.
Now, this scene with Daesung…

After I saw this scene, Daesung being chained on the wall, I immediately thought of time where he talked about how he locked himself on his room without eating, sleeping, or talking to anybody after the ‘incident’ happened. This scene represents it because no matter how hard he tries to free himself from the chains, he’s stopping himself from doing so just like how he stayed in his bedroom in their dorm despite how much he wanted someone to come and comfrot him.

This scene really intrigues me. See the scratch marks on Seungri’s body? It looks horrible doesn’t it? It looks fresh and deep which means that it’ll probably cause a scar. This implies to the fact the after math of the ‘incident’- how everybody went against them except for those who stayed loyal towards them- will cause a scar on them despite how much they try and forget it or how much they try and move on. They will never forget the hardships and days of pains they struggled ot overcome. Those cat women around him probably represent those who scarred them. No matter how the wounds had already healed, they will always be there around them to make a brand new scar.

I love this scene so much. It shows how the VIPs, the people with the white masks, caught Daesung when he fell. Daesung (and probably the rest of the BB members) was afraid to fall at first but they saw how VIPs reassured him that we’ll be there to catch him so he jumped and fell but as promised, we caught him. We supported him and brought him the strength that he needed. We helped him and Big Bang through all the tough times.

This scene just shows how Big Bang managed to overcome all the struggles with the hep of thos people around them who never lost faith and loyalty towards them. The people with the white masks are also there with them which probably just means that they’re united as one with Big Bang and together they’re strong. VIPs + Big Bang= one big and strong army no one can bring down.



My lawyer Mr Turner, is the only man i know who has seen a ghost. He is a quiet even-tempered man whose life is spent in dealing with facts. He is the last person in the world to give way to fantasy. He has a wife and two children of whom he is proud, takes a modest holiday aboard every year and spend his Sunday gardening. He is knowledgeable about art and architecture, though he doesn't pretend to be an expert by any means. It is, therefore, all the more surprising that he should be so insistent about the ghost. It happened, so he says, like this.

He was traveling from London to the North of England by train. It was a mist November evening and the train was half empty. In fact for the first part of the journey Mr Turner had the carriage to himself and sat dozing over the newspaper. However at the first stop a passenger jumped in, slamming the door begin him. HE seemed out of the breath as if he had been running. HE was a striking looking young man with dark, bushy hair and bright intelligent eyes. HE was dressed rather oddly in a long waisted coat with silver buttons, tight trousers and an embroidered waistcoat. Mr Turner did not pay much attention to this because people wear all sorts of extravagant clothes these days and he had long grown accustomed to them.

Presently, the two men got into conversation, as people do on long journeys. Mr turner was interested to discover that the young man was very knowledgeable about Art-in particular portraits. His name, he said, was Joseph Hart, and he was on his way to visit an exhibition. It seemed that he worked in a famous London Art Gallery-a picture restorer, perhaps, thought Mr Turner, for he seemed to know a great certain portraits. When Mr Turner asked his opinion of the portrait of a famous judge by an artist he admired, his companion laughed and said. "He's only a reproduction-a good one i agree but you can't talk to a reproduction." He spoke as though the person in the portrait were still living.

After a while the carriage got hot and steamy and Mr Turner dropped off. He woke just as the train was drawing up at a junction with a grinding of brakes. His companion had disappeared

A few days later, having returned to London, Mr Turner found himself near the Art Gallery. Moved by some impulse, he went in and inquired for Joseph Hart. The attendant direct him to a room devoted to early nineteenth center portraits of well=known men. There was no-one in the room and Mr Turner looked about him. Without knowing quite how he had got there, he found himself standing in front of a full length portrait of a dark young man in tight trousers and an embroidered waistcoat. The eyes smiled at him with hint of amusement. The name-plate at the root of the picture read: Joseph Hart, Gentleman, 1800-1835.

Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 3, 2012



Even though the house was badly in need of decoration and repair, the Longs decided to buy it. It was rather big, the price was very reasonable and it was in a part of London not too far from the center. Both Mr and Mrs Longs had jobs in the City, so this was too important. There was also a good school nearby for their six-year-old daughter, Jane, to go to. It was not until that they discovered who the house had once belonged to and the terrible things that had happened there.

The first sign of trouble came when they had the house redecorated, just before they moved in. The workmen who did the job refused to work in the house after dark. "it gives me the creeps, it does," one of them said. Then, when the Longs started living in the house, they noticed how cold the rooms were, even though it was in the middle of a warm summer. Not long after that, their daughter began walking up in the middle of the night screaming. She said she could hear the strange voices and that they belonged to the dead people. They told her that they had been killed in the house and that they had been buried in the garden. "At first we thought she was just having nightmares, but then my husband and I heard more than just strange noises. "One night, just times they both heard more than just strange noises. "One night, just before George and I went to bed, we heard a woman's voice that seemed to come from nowhere. It said only a few words. "No, no! Stop!" But we both heard it very clearly." Mrs Longs claims.

Shortly after this,Mrs Long happened to learn from a neighbour more about the history of the house. It had belonged to Gordon Taplow, one of the last men to be hanged in England. He had been found guilty of the murder of three different women, and was suspected of having killed several more. He had killed the women in the house and then had dismembered the victims' bodies in the kitchen before getting rid of them. After his arrest and execution in 1959, the house was bought and sold several times, but nobody ever lived in it for very long. Months and even years, passed without anybody living in it at all. Mr and Mrs Long are convinced they know the reason for this. "what happened to the bodies of the other women the man is supposed to have killed? He must have buried them somewhere. We think it was the garden. The house was haunted by their ghosts. Neither my husband nor I are superstitious. But what other possible explanation is there?" Mrs Long says

Although the police dug uo parts of the garden more than twenty years ago and found nothing, the Longs want them to do the job again, this time more thoroughly. Mrs Long recently had an interview with a police inspector about this. "He was very polite but I could see he thought I was just being hysterical. But if they don't do it, we'll have the job done by someone else, even thogh we can hardly afford it", she says.