Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 1, 2012


A new lease of life If someone has a new lease of life, they have a new enthusiasm for living.
A pain in the neck Informal You can say someone is a pain in the neck if they annoy you, or something is a pain in the neck if you don't like doing it.
A shot in the arm Informal You can say something is a shot in the arm if it gives a person or an organisation renewed energy or enthusiasm.
Bag of bones To say that someone is a bag of bones means that they are extremely thin.
"When he came home from the war he was a bag of bones."
Be on one's last legs If you are on your last legs, you are in a very weak condition or about to die.
Do you the world of good If something does you the world of good, it makes you feel a lot better.
Fresh as a daisy If you feel as fresh as a daisy, you feel energetic and lively.
Get yourself back into shape To get yourself back into shape, you need to take exercise in order to become fit and healthy again.
"She decided she'd have to get back into shape before looking for a new job."
Hard of hearing If you are hard of hearing, you can't hear very well. "You'll have to speak louder to Mr. Jones. He's a bit hard of hearing."
Ill at ease If you're ill at ease, you feel tense or you can't relax in a situation.
In bad shape A person who is in bad shape is in poor physical condition.
"I really am in bad shape. I need to get some exercise."
Junk food Food that is bad for us because it contains large amounts of harmful substances like artificial colouring, preservatives, salt, refined sugar, and so on.
Just what the doctor ordered Informal You can say something was just what the doctor ordered when it was exactly what was needed.
Kick the habit l If you kick the habit, you manage to stop doing something that has become a bad habit.
Keep body and soul together If someone is able to keep body and soul together, they manage to survive. "He was unemployed and homeless, but he somehow managed to keep body and soul together."
Land of the living This is a humorous way of saying that someone is still alive. "Hi there! It's good to see you're still in the land of the living!"
Like death warmed up If you look or feel like death warmed up, you look or feel very ill or tired. "My boss told me to go home. He said I looked like death warmed up."
Living on borrowed time This expression refers to a period of time after an illness or accident which could have caused death. "After heart surgery, some patients say they're living on borrowed time."
Look the picture of health To look the picture of health means to look completely or extremely healthy. "Nice to see you again Mr. Brown. I must say you look the picture of health."
Meet your maker This expression is used to say (often humorously) that someone has died. "Poor old Mr. Potter has gone to meet his maker."
On the mend Someone who is on the mend is getting better after an illness. "My grandmother has not been very well this last while but she's on the mend now."
Go nuts To say that a person has gone nuts means that they have become completely foolish, eccentric or mad.
Go under the knife If a person goes under the knife, they have surgery. "I'm not worried about the anaesthetic. I've been under the knife several times."
Off colour If you are off colour, you look or feel ill. "What's the matter with you Tom? You look a bit off colour today."
One foot in the grave A person who is either very old or very ill and close to death is said to have one foot in the grave. "It's no use talking to the owner. The poor man has got one foot in the grave."
One's number is up To say that one's number is up means that a person is either in serious difficulty and something bad is going to happen, or the time has come when they will die. "When he had a second heart attack, we thought his number was up!"
Out of sorts If someone is out of sorts, they are upset and irritable and not feeling well. "The baby is out of sorts today. Perhaps he's cutting a tooth."
Have pins and needles To have pins and needles is to have a tingling sensation in a part of the body, for example an arm or a leg, when it has been in the same position for a long time.
In the pink of health If you are in the pink of health, you are in excellent physical condition or extremely healthy. "Caroline looked in the pink of health after her holiday."
Pop one's clogs This is a euphemistic way of saying that a person is dead. "Nobody lives in that house since old Sam popped his clogs."
In the prime of one's life A time in one's life when a person is the most successful or in their best physical condition is called the prime of one's life. "At the age of 75, the singer is not exactly in the prime of his life!"
Pull through If you pull through, you recover from a serious illness "My grandmother got pneumonia but she pulled through.".
Pushing up the daisies If you say of someone that they are pushing up the daisies, you mean that they are dead. "Old Johnny Barnes? He's been pushing up the daisies for over 10 years!"
Tacked with pain When someone is suffering from severe pain, they are racked with pain. "The soldier was so badly injured that he was racked with pain."
Ready to drop Someone who is ready to drop, is nearly too exhausted to stay standing. "I've been shopping all day with Judy. I'm ready to drop!"
Recharge your batteries When you recharge your batteries, you take a break from a tiring or stressful activity in order to relax and recover your energy. "Sam is completely over-worked. He needs a holiday to recharge his batteries."
Right as rain If someone is (as) right as rain, they are in excellent health or condition. "I called to see my grandmother, thinking she was ill, but she was (as) right as rain!"
Run down A person who is run down is in poor physical condition. "He's completely run down from lack of proper food."
spare-part surgery This term refers to surgery in which a diseased or non-functioning organ of a person is replaced with a transplanted or artificial organ.
Spare tyre If a person has a spare tyre, they have a roll of flesh around the waist. "I'd better go on a diet - I'm getting a spare tyre!"
Take a turn for the worse If a person who is ill takes a turn for the worse, their illness becomes more serious. "I'm afraid the news is not good. The patient has taken a turn for the worse."
Touch-and-go If something is touch-and-go, the outcome or result is uncertain. "Dave's life is out of danger now, but it was touch-and-go after the operation."
Under the weather If you are under the weather, you are not feeling very well. "I'm not going to the party. I'm a bit under the weather today."
Up and about If someone is up and about, they are out of bed or have recovered after an illness.
"She was kept in hospital for a week but she's up and about again."
On your last legs | on its last legs Informal If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.
Recharge your batteries You recharge your batteries if you do something to regain your energy after a period of hard work.
Sick as a dog If you're as sick as a dog, you're very sick.
Stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.
Teething problems | teething troubles If someone or something is having teething problems, or teething troubles, they're having problems during the early stages of something.
Under the weather If you are under the weather, you're not feeling well.
Verbal diarrhoea Informal If someone has verbal diarrhoea, they can't stop talking.
Vim and vigor If you have vim and vigor, you have lots of energy and enthusiasm for life.
Warts and all If you show something warts and all, you show it exactly as it is without trying to hide any of its faults or weaknesses.
Weak at the knees If you go weak at the knees, you feel an emotion so strongly that it makes you feel unstable on your feet.
You are what you eat. You can say "you are what you eat" when you want to point out the connection between food and health.
Full of beans A person who is full of beans is lively, active and healthy.
"You'd never guess his age. He's still full of beans!"
Black out If you black out, you lose consciousness. "When Tony saw the needle, he blacked out."
As blind as a bat Someone whose vision is very poor, or who is unable to see anything, is (as) blind as a bat.
"Without his glasses the old man is as blind as a bat."
Blue around the gills (also green or pale around the gills) If a person looks blue around the gills, they look unwell or sick.
"You should sit down. You look a bit blue around the gills."
Feel blue To feel blue means to have feelings of deep sadness or depression.
"My old neighbour has been feeling blue since her dog died."
Kick the bucket To kick the bucket is a light-hearted way of talking about death.
"He will inherit when his grandfather kicks the bucket."
Cast iron stomach If you can eat all sorts of food and drink what you like, without any indigestion, discomfort or bad effects, it can be said that you have a cast iron stomach.
"I don't know how you can eat that spicy food. You must have a cast iron stomach!"
Clean bill of health If a person has a clean bill of health, they have a report or certificate declaring that their health is satisfactory.
Be off colour If you are off colour, you are looking or feeling ill.
"You look a bit off colour. Are you feeling all right?"
Dead as a doornail This expression is used to stress that a person or thing is unquestionably dead.
"As soon as the golf ball hit the rabbit, he was dead as a doornail."
Dice with death If you put your life at risk by doing something very dangerous, you dice with death. "Going mountain-climbing alone is dicing with death."
die with one's boots on A person who dies with their boots on dies while still leading an active life." He says he'll never retire. He'd rather die with his boots on!"
My dogs are barking When a person says that their dogs are barking they mean that their feet are hurting. "I've been shopping all day. My dogs are barking."
Drop like flies If people drop like flies, they fall ill or die in large numbers. "There's an epidemic of flu at the moment. Senior citizens are dropping like flies."
Hit the dust The expression hit the dust is a humorous way of referring to death. "You can have my computer when I hit the dust!"
Back on one's feet If you are back on your feet, after an illness or an accident, you are physically healthy again.
As fit as a fiddle A person who is as fit as a fiddle is in an excellent state of health or physical condition. "My grandfather is still fit as a fiddle at the age of 90."
A frog in one's throat A person who has a frog in their throat is unable to speak clearly because their throat is sore, or because they want to cough.
Hair of the dog that bit you This expression means that you use as a remedy a small amount of what made you ill, for example a drink of alcohol when recovering from drinking too much. "Here, have a drop of this. It's a little hair of the dog that bit you!"
Hale and hearty Someone, especially an old person, who is hale and hearty is in excellent health "My grandmother is still hale and hearty at the age of ninety."
A hangover To have a hangover means to suffer from the unpleasant after-effects of drinking too much alcohol.



To catch someone's eye = to be attractive to someone: "The shy man at the back of the class caught my eye."
To fancy someone (British English) = to find someone attractive: "My friend fancies you!"
To have a crush on someone = to only be able to think about one person: "When I was at school, I had a crush on a film star."
To have a soft spot for someone = to have a weakness for someone: "She has a soft spot for Richard – he can do anything!"
To have the hots for someone = to find someone very attractive: "She's got the hots for the new office manager."
To go out with someone (British English) = to date someone: "They've been going out together for years!"
To go steady = to go out with someone: "They've been going steady since their first year at university."
To fall for someone = to fall in love: "He always falls for the wrong types!"
To fall/be head over heels for someone = to completely fall in love: "He fell head over heels for her."
To be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love: "They're so lovey-dovey, always whispering to each other and looking into each other's eyes."
To have a thing for (someone)= to be attracted and care about someone: "The girl has a thing for the new boy in her class."
To have eyes only for = to be attracted to one person only: "He's dropped all his old friends, now that he has eyes only for Susie."
To be the apple of someone's eye = to be loved by someone, normally an older relative: "She's the apple of her father's eye."
To be smitten by someone = to be in love with someone: "I first met him at a party and from that evening on, I was smitten."
A love-nest = the place where two lovers live: "They made a love-nest in the old basement flat."
To be loved-up (British English) = to exist in a warm feeling of love: "They are one loved-up couple!"
To be the love of someone's life = to be loved by a person: "He has always been the love of her life."
To hang up on someone= to be obsessed with another person, to be interested in another person:" The young woman is hung up on a member of her tennis
To hit it off (with someone)= to get along well with someone (from the first time that you meet that person):"I hit it off with a woman in my
photography class and we have been dating for several months now."
To whisper sweet nothings in (someone's) ear= to say romantic or intimate things to someone: "The actor was whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the
actress in the romantic movie."
To steal (someone's) heart= to cause someone to fall in love with you:"The woman stole the heart of the man who was working beside her at her office."
To fall for (someone= to begin to feel love for someone: "The woman always falls for the wrong person and is never happy."
To fall in love (with someone)= to begin to experience feelings of love for someone: "The man fell in love with a woman from his university class and
they got married several months later."
To find Mr. Right= to find the right or perfect person: "The woman is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she has not had any luck."
To find the right girl/guy= to find the right partner, to find the person you want to marry: " The woman is always making an effort to find the right
Love at first sight= to fall in love with someone or something the first time that one sees him or her or it: "When I saw the woman at the party it was
love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her."
The woman loved the house. It was love at first sight.
Made for each other= to get along extremely well with another person: "The man and woman get along very well together and seem to be made for each
To make eyes at (someone)= to look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find him or her attractive: "
The man became angry when he saw that his girlfriend was making eyes at someone else at the party."
A match made in heaven= a couple who get along perfectly: "When the two people finally got together it was a match made in heaven and everybody thought
that they would stay together forever."
To meet the right girl/guy= to meet the right partner, to meet the person that you want to marry: "The woman always joked that she would never return
home if she met the right guy."
The one (for someone= the right partner, the right person to marry: "When I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was the one for me."
One and only= the only person that one loves: "The man's wife was his one and only since they met in high school."
To dig (someone)= to like someone a lot: "The girl really digs the boy in her chemistry class."


Puppy love = love between teenagers: "It's just puppy love – you'll grow out of it!"
Cupboard love = love for someone because they give you food: "I think my cat loves me, but it's only cupboard love!"
True love= a genuine feeling of romantic love:"It seemed like true love until the couple began to fight all of the time."
Unrequited love= love that is not returned, one-way love:"The woman was in love with the president of her company but it was unrequited love. He did
not love her."


To date (someone)=to go on a date with someone, to have a date with someone: "My sister has been dating her boyfriend for about two years."
Double date= a date where two couples do something together: "It was fun to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something
To dutch= to go on a date where each person pays half of the expenses: "Many university students have little money so they often go dutch when they go
on a date."
Blind date= a date where the two people have never met before: "I went on a blind date in university but it was not too successful."


To get hitched: "They're getting hitched next Saturday."
To tie the knot: "So when are you two tying the knot?"
Say I do= to get married (during a wedding ceremony it is common to say "I do" when you agree to marry your partner):"The man was very happy to say "I
do" at the wedding ceremony."
To take one's vows= to get married and take your wedding vows or promises:"
The couple took their vows at the courthouse in the small town."
To tie the knot= to get married:"After dating for several years the young couple decided to tie the knot."
To walk down the aisle together= to get married (in this case in a church and where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar):"The couple have
decided to walk down the aisle together and begin their new life."
To set a date= to decide on a date for a wedding: "After thinking about marriage for a long time the couple decided to set a date."
To settle down= to establish a regular routine after getting married: "After dating many women the young man finally decided to settle down."
To pop the question= to ask someone to marry you: "The man thought about things carefully before he actually decided to pop the question."
To ask for someone's hand in marriage= to ask someone to marry you: "After dating his girlfriend for several years the man finally asked for her hand
in marriage."


To go through a bit of a rough patch = when things are not going well: "Since the argument, they've been going through a bit of a rough patch."
To have blazing rows = to have big arguments: "We had a blazing row last night."
Can't stand the sight of someone = to not like someone: "She can't stand the sight of him any more!"
To call it a day = to agree that the relationship has ended: "We decided to call it a day."
To be on the rocks = a relationship that is in difficulty: "Once she moved out, it was clear their marriage was on the rocks."
To have a stormy relationship = a relationship with many arguments: "I'm glad we don't have a stormy relationship."
To split up= to end a relationship:"The girl and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years."
A love-rat = a man who betrays his girlfriend / wife: "He's had affairs with three different women – he's a complete love-rat."
To walk out on (someone)= to abandon your partner and end a relationship:"The man walked out on his wife and nobody knew the reason why."
To make up= to forgive each other after an argument, to begin to see each other again after ending a relationship: "The couple had a big fight at the
restaurant but they made up and things quickly got back to normal."
The boy and girl separated but recently they made up and began seeing each other again
On the rocks= to be in a state of difficulty, to be having problems (usually used for a relationship): "The couple are experiencing many problems at
the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks."
To patch up a relationship= to repair a broken relationship: "The couple wanted to separate but they managed to patch up their relationship and are now
very happy together."
To break up= to end a relationship: "The couple broke up after dating for more than three years."
To dump (someone= to end a relationship by telling someone that you do not want to see him or her: "The woman dumped her boyfriend after they had a big fight."


Marry in haste, repent at leisure = if you marry too quickly, you have the rest of your life to regret it!
Love is blind = when you love someone, you can't see their faults
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder = beauty is subjective
Let your heart rule your head = allow your emotions to control your rational side
Wear your heart on your sleeve = show other people how you are feeling

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 1, 2012